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Ganoderma lucidume e cancro

Cari Followers oggi posto questo abstract sulle proprietà antitumorali del Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma e cancro

Take Ganoderma can reduce cancer cells and tumor recurrence

 Singapore medical report indicated: radiotherapy and chemotherapy caused direct death of one-third of cancer patients

----------------Take Ganoderma can reduce cancer cells and tumor recurrence
Dr. Youpeng Huang, Director of Beijing International Anti-Aging Medical Center, pointed out that current cancer treatment around the world has based on a misunderstanding. It concentrated on the tumor cells trying every means to kill them. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy kill tumor cells, but at the same time also kill immune cells, resulting in patient’s loss of self-defense. Consequently, many patients die during the rehabilitation phase. (A medical report from Singapore indicated that radiotherapy and chemotherapy caused direct death of one-third of cancer patients.)

Human body contains necrosis as well as cancer cells. Growth of those cells is a product of the body metabolism. To overcome tumor growth depends on the prevention. It is one-sided to apply treatment by cutting out or irradiating the tumor in order to cure caner patients.

Recent study shows that early stage cancer patients can recover by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, mid-term or late stage patients are generally too weak after radiotherapy and chemotherapy to regain their health. The drastic treatment, in fact, frequently hastens death. Clinical investigation shows that most cancer patients are not diagnosed until in the mid or late stage. They are already suffering from the physical discomfort and compromised in immunity. Thus, experts advise measures to enhance general health conditions and improve immunity be taken prior to radiation therapy in order to expect the best result. It is unwise to rush into the treatment without first laying a good foundation.


Remarks: It is recommended that cancer patients take Ganoderma lucidum products at least two weeks before chemotherapy. It will effectively improve the cellular activity and minimize damage to the immune system due to chemotherapy. These effects take time. One cannot simply expect a turn-around overnight.

Recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Ganoderma lucidum can considerably enhance the immunity. It is suitable for cancer patients on drug treatment, as well as for their post-operation recuperation. 

Polysaccharides, the active substances of Ganoderma lucidum, enhance the growth and multiplication of the immune cells and macrophage phagocytosis. At the same time, they can activate lymphocyte generating stimulating factors to break down telomerase activity in and accelerate the death of the cancer cells. Ganoderma triterpenes, on the other hand, can promote human metabolism and detoxification function, as well as inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. It also help improve appetite and reduce side effects caused by medication.

Macrophage phagocytosis

Ganoderma lucidum is a treasure that has received increasing attention by the medical community worldwide


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